Akittenone’s Weblog

Sorry kitten hasn’t posted

Posted on: September 23, 2008

Kitten is sorry for not posting sooner, she is guilty of being busy, she has been promoted and while it doesn’t mean an increase in hours as such ( already work in excess of 40 a week) it does mean extra responsibility and this is just the first of hopefully many, kitten is already studying for the next one, so fingers crossed !

In addition to working full time kitten has been helping her Master, now she knows she cannot work full time on this as she wishes as unfortunately no one pays the bills but kitten, however she works every spare minute she gets and even at work she finds her mind drifting to what she can do, should do, will do when she gets home, smiling when kitten isn’t working its not unusual for her to be on the computer for 18/19 hours a day, she needs to get things done so she can be a part of Masters success, and hopefully this is something that will continue to happen.

What else does kitten do ? well she writes, and she writes and she writes some more, those who know kitten know that she has to put things onto type, she says and feels so much her words are her escape, her feelings are there for all who want to see them, its up to them whether they listen to what she is saying, kitten knows many don’t but that is their loss not kittens, guess thats what makes a friend, being interested in another person and not only being concerned with yourself all the time, lol met a few who were all into the me,me,me conversations but if you never stop to get to know another person then your life will be so lonely,

Kitten sometimes sits here at the computer looking at the screen and asks herself WHY… Why does she need to write, why does she open herself up to hurt from others, why does she want to be friends with people, why does she allow herself to be used as a sounding board to others problems when they are not there for her,why does she value words so much, why why why ?

There is no answer, kitten is kitten, the same as she always has been, she is a friendly person, she values her friends dearly and she loves completely, kitten might not be this amazing sexy fem fatale but kitten is always kitten, honest, opinionated, loyal, trustworthy ( lol modest ? ) This is kitten, she is no more and no less, she is just kitten

1 Response to "Sorry kitten hasn’t posted"

You are really missed when you don’t post.Your writings have been one of the highlights of my day.just do you know, your friends value you too.

love redbud.

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